Saturday, May 10, 2008

It's May 10th

The month of May always reminds me of some special thing that happens in almost all the churches. Yes, the VBS - Vacation Bible School. I never missed a chance to attend or take part in VBS.

I remember the days that I spent in Wesley Church, Kotagiri. Being summer, March, April and May are considered to be the months of flowers, the Flower Show happens in the month of May and Ooty will be overcrowded. We usually have guests in our house during this season.
Guests at home, I become the tourist guide for them. This brings a clash between touring and VBS and I refrain myself from going there. My parents would desperately want me to attend VBS while the tourist guide post will be handed over to my brother, yeah elder brother. He is 7 years older than me, "Berlin Paul".

All the time in Wesley Church - Kotagiri, I've either attended or volunteered VBS. It was during my college days that I involved myself in playing the role of a Director through Scripture Union. My first location as a VBS director was in Ooty. Bro. Kirubagaran was the lead and I backed him as I knew to play guitar. There were two other directors and this was their first experience so they had to learn so much. Even I had to do the same thing. Unfortunately I couldn't be there for the last three days as I had one last semester exam on 9th. I missed the final day programme.

The next location on the same month (starting 11th -20th) was in Trichy itself, the place I studied. It was in Burma colony near Ordinance Factory. Here my college mate Bro. Shelton Bright was taking the lead. We both had a nice time all the days growing more and more closer to Him. This was my first VBS where I was present for 10 days as a director.

I still had one more round to go. This was with Bro. Kirubagaran again in a remote slum just for 4 days. I stayed in his house where he also runs an old age home named Shalom. We commuted by bike almost 12 kilometers one way. We also had 2 more people who joined us to help. This was in the year 2005.

Next year May 2006, I was sent to Tanjore, St. Peters church. This time I was in trouble as the team lead didn't turn up. We should be 5 directors in all but we were only 3 and one of us had no prior experience playing the role as a director. I called up Mohan anna (SU staff in trichy) and explained him the situation and he asked me to run the whole show. The next morning we had 2 more people joining the crew, finally we were 5 in all. I should mention about Charles Wesley, one among the two who became my best companion and co-operated with me through the entire course. This VBS was a learning curve in my life as I had to take the responsibility of each and evey activity that was going on.

So what is significant of May 10?
Yes, it is the final day programme which ends the year's VBS. Being a director, this is when you've got to pour out all your energy to make it a success. It is mostly because that the parents of all the children will be present and they are gonna witness what their child has learnt all these days.
It begins with a public procession where every child with a crown on the head, march across their locality. The procession ends in the place where the rest of the program is scheduled. One main thing to be considered is that you start on time and finish it on time. You bid good bye to the children, apologize with the teachers if you had not been kind to them during situations, etc etc. Some time you cry or the teachers cry, the children wouldn't let you go, all this happens.
Today, there are numerous children in various churches celebrating their last day in VBS. I remember them all and wave them good bye! I pray that every child grow in the fear of the Lord, reflect Him in all they do and be as living testimonies for Him.
Good Bye! Meet you all in the next VBS.


  1. paul.. the places u mentioned reminds of lot of things.. bro kirubakaran of fmpb?

  2. @Chriz
    I know Bro. Kirubakaran of fmpb too. But the one I mentioned here is from SU Scripture Union.
