Thursday, January 7, 2010

Kotagiri - 2009

Over the year end, I happened to visit the place where I grew up. I captured few snaps too.

The Ghat road that leads to the house:

The tea gardens:

The house where I grew up - the portico is completely changed and my little garden is no more.

House - from down the hill:

The ever fresh tea gardens.

A guest house in the neighborhood:


  1. nice pics and lovely tea gardens..hope i'll visit it some day :)

  2. omg!..such a beautiful place! im totally jealous of u!:)

  3. @Mary & Jerry - We'll plan for a year end trip to Nilgiris.

  4. We did it finally in Dec 2010. I'm planning migrate my blog to wordpress under a different domain and have a separate page for photos - and I'm still planning :-D

  5. Yeap finally did it ...Woo i already checked out your wordpress site hehehe..:)

  6. very nice place - it looks very peaceful
