Yeap! It's now a day past Valentine's Day and I am here in south, the place where I studied, Bishop Heber College - Trichy. I came down here to collect my certificates and also to participate in Rejoice'08. Infact, though it being a very long journey and was tired enough, the moment I stepped into my college it gave me new strength to run the rest my day without a break. I found the same spirit, late night practice sessions, Varadhan (residency) petty shop tea, all being the same even now.
I feel glad enough that I was able to attend Valda '08 - a special program at 6:00PM. This happens in the evening of every Valentine's day hosted by CPF. Dr. Relton James ( Principal of Vestry School) was the speaker. I sat down in the front rows with much curiosity to listen to his message. Everything went on well, but, my heart felt something missing behind
Alas we all gathered up in room no. 23, Dodson Hostel to finish our day. We all were chatting on different things when suddenly.... a discussion began...... IS FALLING IN LOVE WRONG?
Wow..... really a great topic, I know, we often get to end up in such questions many times in our lives.
There were many no. of questions that were shooted, all related to the same topic. Some of them had straight forward answers but some didn't.
1. Falling in love with somebody, right or wrong?
Ans: Right - Perfect, you personally are accountable as 'how ?".
Wrong - This is also acceptable "OK", but why?
2. Though I have a purpose driven life - Christ focused, even then I have a self desire within me and in this case it comes in the form of love.
Agape: "The Unconditional Love" is from the Lord. - This we experience only when having a strong personal relationship with the Lord.
How about falling in love with a girl or guy who can care for me and can get more attention instantly?
3. Is this the right time to fall in love with someone or should I wait?
4. If I have to wait, then when is the right time?
5. Probably you may say after some years. i.e. after you settle yourself in Life. What if I had to miss that pretty girl whom I thought to have as my Mr. or Mrs. previously?
6. Is it right to propose to somebody just to know what their view or opinion is and if the partner agrees then we should continue?
7. How do I know about God's will in choosing my partner?
Pray? How, what and when do I ask?
8. Should I let my parents know about the relationship right in the beginning?
9. Do I have the guts to convey the fact of any such relationship to my parents?
10. Is that I have to keep such relationship absolutely personal or go out in seek for help from somebody?
11. What is LOVE all about?... nope, I am not crazy :-) . If it is spending more time, sharing, caring and dreaming, getting to know much more about each other, somebody to really listen to you, sympathy and empathy then, WHY THE HELL IS IT IN HIGH DEGREE WITH THE OPPOSITE SEX?
12. If it is wrong, why did God put such thing into being?
It is for you (Free) to decide, is what the answer you give? then, why do people put it in the wrong category?
If it's that we are too young to decide upon, I take you to question 4 and then 5,6... and so it goes on and on.
I love somebody (scenario), it is wrong in the Locality you live "they say" and it is correct or "who bothers" in western countries. Why is this discrimination? Just because your culture is like that? Then why there are so many books, poems, stories, films and plays all based on love? :-) " The society accepts them but not when their own son or daughter fall in LOVE. :-(
We didn't have a definite answer to all these questions. We, as usual covered our heads under the blanket and were fast asleep just in seconds.
My views on LOVE? - Please meet me in person :-D