Thursday, February 14, 2013

Yet another Year...

 Yet another year, quickly passby;
Just flew away; in a blink of an eye.
Keeps me waiting for whom to be mine;
Oh where have you been, my valentine?

The better half, one to dearly care;
Journey of my life, who joyfully share.
Deals my shortfalls and with me bear;
Guide, stride, chide and as well dare.

Looking forward to spend time with you;
Whisper untold stories that none ever knew;
Listen patiently and acknowledge your's too;
Else, I'm in trouble for I don't know kung fu.

  Take you places, all around to begin; 
Surprise, amuse, give you a spin;
Bring you flowers every evenin'
Oh my Love, where have you been?

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Where it all started...

The first time I was introduced to a computer I don't remember what kind of feeling I had. If my memory serves well (and my friend's too), it was in the year of 1997. That's when I first saw those flat lying bulky briefcases in ivory with pretty green and red lights and a B&W monitor sitting on it's top. It was in our school's computer lab. I was doing my 7th grade then.

Here are few stats:

Introduction to computers               : IBM-PC -1997
First Operating system                   : MS-DOS
First Word Processor                     : WordStar - 1998
First self made word document     : Contact list for my home 
                                                          (the list approximately comprised 30 phone numbers) - 1999
First Computer game                     : PAC-man
First movie on Computer               : High Voltage. Watched it for 35 minutes. - 1998

Our computer classes were scheduled twice a week and every alternate classes were lab sessions. Our computer master was a sadist. If he teaches 2 classes, on the 3rd one he used to ask us to sing for him. There were students who were caned for not singing. One of the most memorable incidents was when he screened the movie High Voltage in the lab. That was my first experience watching a movie in a computer. The lab wasn't large enough to accommodate all the students at one time. So, we were divided into two batches and only boys were allowed. I'll tell you why. When the first batch returned after their 40 minutes of screening, they were all pepped up, sheepishly grinning and followed by hush hush talks. Few inquisitive souls ( including me ) wanted to know what happened. At lunch time the mystery was revealed. There was a french kiss scene in the movie; and that is why only boys were allowed. By now, the second batch were all prepped and were eagerly waiting for the next lab session. Secrets never stay; most girls came to know what we were up to. When we had our turn, I still remember how we stared at each other when this scene came up. It was an embarrassing situation for all puritans (not me). It's funny now when I think of how the situation was countered by looking at the wall hangings, reaching out for a dropped pen, etc. It doesn't stop there; we continued mocking at every reaction that was witnessed in the lab. And so continued my journey with computers.

The tryst had since then moved on from personal computers to room sized servers, clusters,  mainframes, storage cabinets, tape libraries, blades, virtualization and now the most recent clouds. I can't attribute the journey I enjoyed to anything but for this little device that I came in possession of.

CASIO - Personal Computer  PB-700

My Periappa had bought this from the middle east and gifted it to my dad. Apparently, it found it's place in a safe corner inside the cupboard and was locked up there ever since. My dad used it very little, or I would say didn't use it at all. My mother wouldn't let me touch it as it was a precious thing and not a kids toy. When I was introduced to computers in my school that's when I convinced my mom to let me use this little personal computer. It had its user manual along with it. It was in 1998, I was doing my 8th grade. That's where it all started and so my voyage with computers began.

PB-700 runs BASIC. That was my first self learned programming language. I started off from writing little programs and many a times was literally amazed at the things that a computer program can do. ( Though it's subtle or even incomparable to unprecedented heights of today's computing ). The device had 3 memory packs of 4KB RAM. Total of 12K BYTES RAM - a number which is of insignificant value today. That's where I started.

The first usable program that I remember writing was the one that I coded to calculate the average marks of each student on every subject. Being introduced to C programming in my 10th grade, I translated a C program to a BASIC program which would calculate the appropriate air temperature to be maintained with the given humidity inside a TEA drier machine. That was for my dad as he used to work in the TEA Industry. I don't remember if he ever used it. He still relies on paper and pen.

It doesn't matter where you get started. Getting started is all that matters.

Friday, January 20, 2012

YES (let it) BEE!!

How many times have we told ourselves "Yes, let it be" whenever a disaster strikes even at situations that was least anticipated.

Bangalore, Friday - 13th Jan 2012.
Fridays are always freaky ( in the office ). The day winded up just like any other Friday with the anticipation of another weekend. If you happened to be an IT citizen, you would agree with me on the value of a weekend. I was back from work by 7:30 PM; went out for a walk and planned to have my dinner on the way back. So, after a short walk and finding my favourite restaurant I retired on my regular seat and placed the order. It was while having my dinner the thought of weekend came into my mind and I was wondering how am I going to spend it. The next day was "Pongal" in Tamil Nadu; the harvest festival celebrated by farmers. It has been more than 5 years since I had been in Tamil Nadu during this holiday. Sugar cane is famous in this season; I love munching it. That's when I decided; lets munch some sugar cane tomorrow. I decided to go home and spend the weekend with my family in TN.

I rushed back after dinner to check if there would be tickets available to Coimbatore. Opened my computer, Fired up firefox and typed in "". The page swam into focus; keyed in "Source" and "Destination", chose the current date and clicked on "Search Buses". The list of available buses loaded just within 3 seconds. It was 9:30 PM. As I scrolled down sorting by departure time, I was looking for buses that would depart after 11:00. To my disappointment, tickets from major travels were already sold out. Finally, I found out 4 available seats in a bus called "YESBEE". I've never heard of that travels before. As I don't have another choice, I didn't hesitate to proceed further. Clicked on "View Seats" and a disclaimer popped up "You've chosen a low rated bus. Are you sure you want to book a seat on this bus?" (Coders behind the website have converted the feedbacks from passengers into ratings for each travels). I don't have a second option and I had to click "Yes". The page slid down from the middle and an aerial view of the bus swooped into my central screen. Booked seats in grey and available in white. Guess what? Only the last row of the bus was in white. It made me think again, "Do I really have to make this trip"? But, since I've made up my mind and the sugar canes which now stands in front of my eyes made me click on the window seat in the right. I completed the payment and immediately received an SMS in my mobile phone with the ticket confirmation.

I had about an hour and a half at my disposal within which I will have to pack my backpack and take a public transport to the place where I'll have to board the bus. It was a race against time as the journey to the boarding point itself will take about an hour. Finally I made it 10 minutes ahead of schedule, panting and sweating. I flashed my mobile phone against the ticket checker's face. He ushered me inside the bus just to strike me with another disappointment. There were no actual seats in the last row but just a flat bed of cushion. What the heck?? I can't even lean my back against anything. A looming thought came over my mind; am I going to travel the next 7 hours in this position?? Impossible!! But, I stay put. The only convincing point was the place was really spacious for 4 people. We could take turns to stretch ourselves, only if all of us co-operate. This little hope came smashing down to the ground when 2 more passengers were squeezed into this space. None of us raised our voice against the discomfort. (One common mistake we all commit) Finally the bus started after a 20 minute delay.

I had little idea as how am I going to survive the next 6 odd hours. I forced myself to get some sleep in all positions that I could try. The clock started ticking away at ever slow pace. It didn't take longer for the next disaster to strike. Half past midnight, the bus choked and the engine went off. I could sense that in my drowsiness and I was not willing to know what was happening. I was disappointed and tired. I thought I made the bad decision this night. Few passengers helped push the bus to start the engine. This happened couple of more times until the engine died completely at 3:30AM. Now there were only 3 people in my row of seat and I secured a position comfortable enough to get some sleep. I didn't bother about what could have happened to the bus.

Curiosity kills. That's what happened to me. After about an hour of comfortable sleep (without the movement of the bus), I started wondering how bad the situation could be. I got up from my seat and walked the length of the bus just to see a little over 70% of the passengers peacefully sleeping. I stepped out of the bus and went behind to see a bunch of young guys diverting the incoming traffic away from the stationary bus. I questioned one of them as what happened to our bus? He immediately let out a sarcastic laugh and replied back saying "the bus broke down about an hour ago and you just got curious as to what happened?". I put my head down. I told him I slept peacefully. It was 4:30 AM. The actual problem was with the tube that carries diesel to the engine; it burst. The diesel can't be supplied to the engine and the engine wouldn't start. When enquired about the driver, he said he had gone to the nearby town to find a spare part. We were still a good 4-5 hours behind our destination. I joined the gang in doing some traffic police job. The early morning weather was biting cold. Luckily we had a tea stall close-by and we had tea couple of times to help keep ourselves warm.

5:40 AM. We were like 6 or 7 guys on the road diverting traffic ever since the bus broke down. We rang up the driver to know the status. He had just found the shop that sells the right part and was heading to the owner's house to wake him up, go back to the store, purchase the part and then return back to the bus. We soon roughly calculated that it wouldn't be any sooner than 6:45 or 7:00 by the time the driver returns and another 30 - 45 minutes to fix the faulty part. The scary part here was, we wouldn't know if the actual problem was diagnosed until after the tube was replaced. We didn't know what disaster was in store next. The clock just past 6:00AM  and we decided to let the other passengers know that it wouldn't be before 8:00 we leave this place and also advise them to take other buses that passes by if they can't wait. 6:30AM and no sign of the driver yet. Few of the passengers were starting to grow impatient. Couple of them boarded other buses passing by. One of the co-passenger and I thought why don't we let the highway patrol take necessary action. We went back to the tea stall to check if they had the patrol's contact numbers. Unfortunately they didn't. There was another tea stall that opened just then and we headed there. This guy sounded positive and he volunteered to give them a call. The moment he dialed the number the patrol van was already in the scene. And just like any other tamil movie, driver too arrived in the climax. It was 10 past 7:00AM. By now, most of us got to know each other a little.

We all had our fingers crossed while the driver changed the tube. We all hoped that this should be the end of it and we would start our travel back to our destination without any problem. The driver took his position in the driver's seat. We waited with anticipation for the engine to start. He inserted the key and turned it ON just to bring all our hopes shattering down flat on the ground. The engine failed. Back into diagnosis phase to find the actual underlying problem. It was easy this time. There was no diesel in the tank, everything had spilled already. Disaster again. With the help of the patrol our driver went to the nearby petrol station and bought 20Litres of fuel. At last, the engine could be fired back to life again. Everyone were back in the bus ( all those who were patient enough to wait this long ). Now I had a seat and one that I can choose :-) the ones that belonged to the passengers who left. Next disaster was awaiting. The driver was pleading couple of passengers for some money because 20Litres of diesel wasn't sufficient to reach the destination. We needed 30 more and he had no money to buy even a single drop. Oh crap!! This is what I exactly expected after all. We agreed to pay only if the owner gives us an assurance to pay back the moment we reach Coimbatore. The bus owner gave his word on the phone and we stopped by the next petrol bunk to buy diesel. We all pooled in money and paid.

Back in our seats, we were discussing the line of events that unfolded from the beginning. To everyone's surprise all those who were left in the bus were from IT field ( with an exception of one or two ). We were to journey the next 4-5 hours together. It wasn't easy to go back to sleep in the broad daylight. So, all of us agreed to keep talking. What happened after this will never be forgotten and will be cherished for a lifetime. It made an unforgettable experience for all of us. We started off with a formal introduction with names, origin, place of employment and so on. It started getting even more interesting when each started sharing their best / worst experiences from their lives. A "Broken-Bus" community on facebook was also proposed. Co-passengers became friends.

We halted for an hour for breakfast and then continued our journey. We reached our respective places by 2:30PM on 14th. We also got our money back that we pooled in for the fuel expense.

 I'm not going to mention names here just for 2 reasons. One, the very obvious,  blame my poor memory; second, I respect everyone's privacy. 

If I had opted to quit at any point before boarding the bus, or had I taken an alternate bus after ours broke down, or if I hadn't told myself "Yes, let it be"; stay put and wait; I would have missed the most memorable road trips I ever had in my life so far. I would have missed the fun, the sharing, knowing and lot more. It was like a college picnic. I'm sure that every other bus-friend would agree with me on this.

The New Year 2012 started off with a blast and is getting even better with this trip. I hope 2012 has real good surprises in store for all of us!!

Though this snap portraits nothing more than a bunch of ugly bums and a bus, it brings back the real good memories and the crazy events that I experienced. It deserves a special place deep in my memory!! (Like non-volatile memory)

By the way, I happened to meet 2 of my new-found-friends again in my travel back to Bangalore!!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

The "i" Protagonist

Steven Paul Jobs
The world mourns for the loss of a genius. I consider myself lucky to have witnessed the era of world-changing innovations that this man did. I would be lying if I don't admit I admired this guy ever more than anybody in the world only known to IT geeks. 

I don't remember when was the first time I came to know about Apple. But, I started paying attention to it when I was a freshman. I started showing interest in Apple's products ever since the first iMac was introduced. When I came to know the man behind every move of Apple, I started admiring him. 

I spent considerable time in reading articles about Apple and Steve Jobs in my college years. I also watched the movie "Pirates of the Silicon Valley" a documentary about the men ( Steve & Bill ) who made the work of technology what it is today. I very soon knew whom to look up in the wide spread IT jungle. Though there are many who hate Apple and it's man, I guess they will honestly regard the loss of Steve today.

It was by chance, I happened to come across a video link of Apple's WWDC conference where Steve introduced the first generation iPhone in 2007. It was just in 3 weeks since the release. The very moment after watching the complete video, Steve became one of my hero. People out there who had a chance to watch the presentation during it's release would agree with me on the electrifying feeling that ran down your spine when he so dramatically introduced the iPhone to the world. It was a nice feeling. I would have seen a dozen times the demo of pinch-to-zoom feature and have wondered for almost a week that if any body out in the world could create such thing. But there it was magically working out its brain for the ease of use for novice like us. 

I never have missed any Apple event since then. I follow the live blog of engadget as no live streaming is permitted during such conferences. I know the video will be posted the next day in Apple's home page and I will make a note to watch it. Steve's stage act has always been super-dramatic. He has been my inspiration right there. He *knows* how to introduce a new product. That's why they say "Sell it like Steve". I have shamelessly copied his on-stage presentation skills and have tried out in several occasions and also have witnessed how successful it works. 

The "i" factor - a little secret for the success of Apple's products. He brought the feeling of "YOU" being important by buying his products. When you mention it's very name ( iPod, iPhone, iPad, iMac ) you mention yourself first. He made you feel important, he just knew that's the way to win customer's hearts and he did succeed.

This day will be written in the world's history about the man who changed it the way he thought it should be. We get to see very few inspiring people who raise the bars to new height and even fewer who entirely set it to new standard against which all others will be measured. Steve Jobs has set the bar now; very very high!! For all the amazing (magical - as he would like to say) work he did, I payed him a standing ovation on the day when he stepped out of Apple. Today, I mourn with the world for the loss of a genius. I wonder if I will see one more who can change the way the world works, but for now I've seen enough. 

Thank You, Steve for all your works that helps me today. You'll be remembered. I'll tell your stories. We'll miss you.

Dedicated to the Man who revolutionized the IT world and authored the DNA of consumer technology in my era.
Photo Courtesy :

Friday, October 22, 2010

Fishing!!! Fishing???

Over the month we ( friends from the church) have been oor-suthi-fying all around Hyderabad and Secunderabad. Sunday's after the church service we set ourselves out on a diversified adventure. We had been on fishing for 2 weeks and (shameless) haven't managed to catch even a single fish. :-( . But, otherwise, we had a good time roaming around and seeing places.
I did buy a new camera for myself when I had been to US the last time - a NIKON DSLR - D5000 with an extra 200mm zoom lens. Here are few nice pics that I shot while out. All untouched.

This was taken in Cherlapally lake

When a dragonfly turns into a helicopter

Sharply chiseled rocks in Shamirpet Lake

Paddy crop

The legendary Medak Church. Most remarkable one.

Medak Church - from afar.

All in the AIR

Dusk - in Manjira Dam

I love this pic - It gives me a feeling of fulfillment.

Manjira Dam. 4 gates were open.

Sunday, August 1, 2010


Recording LIVE. This moment goes down in my history, though I'm not making history. A moment to be captured, a moment to be enjoyed, a moment so special, a moment to be embraced, a moment which I don't know if it'll ever come back, a moment that I'll cherish for my life time.

When was the last time that you felt being knocked off your legs by the winds?

This is the highest point that I've ever been on earth in a free standing structure. Yes, standing on the observatory bay in the 86th floor of the "Empire State Building", NY; at 1050 feet above the ground level, I look back on what made me come so so far. Being pressed by the heavy winds this high, gazing at the vastness of the earth that He created and several such sky scrapers built by man all around which just dwarfs down when compared to the majestic structure that I'm standing on; together forming a closely knit concrete jungle down this small strip of land, embraced by river and seas around; New York city takes my breath away.

The building stands 381 meters (1,250 ft) tall with a total of 102 stories. I'm in the observation deck on the 86th floor. There's a second observation deck on the 102nd  floor and it costs $20 more to get there. One thing to be noted is, the building has its own ZIP code. Amazing, ain't it?

I had been to NY same time last year but haven't had a chance to get on top of the Empire State Building. This year, I didn't wanna miss it and here I am.

I took few pics with my iPhone and here I post them.

East - Far east is the JFK airport.
East View
South - Wall street empire and far south is the Statue of Liberty.
South View
West - Hudson River.
West View
North - Manhattan and the Central Park.
North View

Soaring high into the dark sky.
Mooring Mast

 I caught a dove so high. This is one of the amazing shot that I ever took with my iPhone. It embellishes the city.
Is this called a bird's eye view?

I also did send "Greetings from NY" sms to few of my most loved ones from here to mark this moment. AT&T did a good job delivering them.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Mangoes Galore!

Rs 35 - Written on a slate is what you see in the barrow full of mangoes all around Marredpally, Secunderabad. This season has seen an unprecedented supply of Mangoes. Secunderabad is one place where you get all fruits in abundance. Be it grapes, chikoos, guavas or mangoes; there are places where farmers directly put up their makeshift stalls and sell. There are plenty of vineyards in the proximity of 20 KM from the city. This should tell you how much more we are supplied with fresh grapes.

Though there are plenty of mango sellers out there in the street, not all mangoes are nature ripen. The usage of calcium carbide stones to ripen them has grown over limits. Over the month, I've developed the skill in identifying the good ones. Never be taken away by it's color is the thumb rule.

Prices vary according to the locality. It was Rs 40 per kg this morning in the street where my house is located. It is Rs.30 per kg where the farmers have put up their roadside market.
Yeah, it's lunch time!

Kids in my neighborhood love mangoes and we always have a nice time eating together. Our objective is to turn the seed white.

Shambhavi still fighting with the seed!!

Yesterday I bet on Brazil with my niece for 3 mangoes. It was a tough match against Portugal. They had 5 players in defense. Brazil, with Kaka, Elano and Robinho would have put a great show with their unique "Beautiful Game" style. On the other hand, Ronaldo made amazing attempts to kick the ball into the nets but all in vain. It was a draw; how disappointing it is to lose mangoes :-(. We finally agreed on 2 mangoes each!

Shambhavi and myself happened to go on a camel ride this afternoon.

Did I know that sitting on the camel's hump will make it run wild?