Sunday, August 1, 2010


Recording LIVE. This moment goes down in my history, though I'm not making history. A moment to be captured, a moment to be enjoyed, a moment so special, a moment to be embraced, a moment which I don't know if it'll ever come back, a moment that I'll cherish for my life time.

When was the last time that you felt being knocked off your legs by the winds?

This is the highest point that I've ever been on earth in a free standing structure. Yes, standing on the observatory bay in the 86th floor of the "Empire State Building", NY; at 1050 feet above the ground level, I look back on what made me come so so far. Being pressed by the heavy winds this high, gazing at the vastness of the earth that He created and several such sky scrapers built by man all around which just dwarfs down when compared to the majestic structure that I'm standing on; together forming a closely knit concrete jungle down this small strip of land, embraced by river and seas around; New York city takes my breath away.

The building stands 381 meters (1,250 ft) tall with a total of 102 stories. I'm in the observation deck on the 86th floor. There's a second observation deck on the 102nd  floor and it costs $20 more to get there. One thing to be noted is, the building has its own ZIP code. Amazing, ain't it?

I had been to NY same time last year but haven't had a chance to get on top of the Empire State Building. This year, I didn't wanna miss it and here I am.

I took few pics with my iPhone and here I post them.

East - Far east is the JFK airport.
East View
South - Wall street empire and far south is the Statue of Liberty.
South View
West - Hudson River.
West View
North - Manhattan and the Central Park.
North View

Soaring high into the dark sky.
Mooring Mast

 I caught a dove so high. This is one of the amazing shot that I ever took with my iPhone. It embellishes the city.
Is this called a bird's eye view?

I also did send "Greetings from NY" sms to few of my most loved ones from here to mark this moment. AT&T did a good job delivering them.

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