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Have you ever had the experience of being caught with CompuMania? You
should have been, but might not be aware of. As I write/type this post, I am seriously suffering with this disease. This thought just popped in my brain for a moment, "What the hell would I be doing in the world without computers?"
I think, I
should start practicing "Star gazing" well before that age arrives. What else would I be doing then? Breaking stones? Not a bad profession indeed! We needn't be bothered of our deliverable, target dates, goals, accomplishments, meetings, hike negotiations and in fact no BOSS.
Let me start here. - I'm typing this post, yeah, I need computer and I've got one. It runs Windows
XP operating system with SP 2. Are there other operating systems out in the market? Yeah, how about DOS, UNIX, Linux, Solaris, Machintosh. There are many more and Linux has numerous distributions. Machintosh? Costly, but worth every penny you've spent. Intensive and heavy graphics is less difficult than a cake walk on Machintosh. Alright, though I am not using my favourite operating system, yes, Linux, windows has always served my needs.
I wanna publish my blog. To access the blogger I need a browser. Bowser? Which one should I use? Internet explorer, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Flock, Apple Sa
fari... there are many more. My choice is always Firefox. Oops, should I be knowing HTML coding to publish my blog? Not exactly, but still it is always an added value to your blogging spree. I knew very little, and the result is my customized page as you see.
Okay, where are my blogs stored? In Google's servers? Whew! What amount to speed and capacity should that server have to serve billions of blogs. I know that Goog
le uses Linux servers for all these purposes. LINUX - what is that? A command line operating system with black and white window? Nope. Linux is an advanced operating system with billions of colors. It can be configured even from answering your phone call to waking you up in the morning playing your favorite music, video, whatever. On what language is Linux written? C , C++?
Ah.. here come the languages. English, Tamil, Hindi,.but does a computer un
derstand them? Thus computer languages are developed. Two decades back who in India would have known otherwise that C is just another alphabet? But, where did the languages era start? Assembly, Basic, COBOL, FORTRAN, ALGOL, C, C++, C#, curl, Java, Perl, Ruby, Python, J2EE, J2ME. If you wanna believe this with me, there are approximately about 218 programming languages. Uh! ( Big sigh). Would have I known this about 10 years back, I will now be speaking in Java and Perl. (Yes, I am still learning perl)
This again is interpreted or complied to machine understandable
language. Wondering what is that? Zeros and Ones. Now that I have my blog wirtten, I have to publish it so that I can be viewed by the public. The moment I press "Publish Post" button, my blog is taken care of the TCP/IP protocol, reaches my WiFi Access point in the hall, then through the hubs on the post opposite to my house, through the underground cable running round the city via secunderabad, minister's road, Necklace road, through the smelly Hussian sagar lake, Banjara hills, Madhapur, Hitech city and reaches the VSNL building. Gets into the routers, switches, cables again and finally Boom...makes it into the server. 01010111
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