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I don't know how do you call 5:00 AM as. For many, it is midnight I say; please stay away from these people. There is a good possibility for them turning into out-of-earth-creature if you ever try to wake them up from their sleep. For some, 5:00 AM is when they're cozily tucked up in the bed and is sound asleep. They never wanted to be disturbed for heaven's sake. For some, there is no such thing called 5:00 AM in existence. They would have never seen a sunrise in their life. For s
ome, it's always dark like this.
Waking up with the blanket over the head and then giving a big sigh "huh.. still dark"? and going back to sleep again.
I wish I could have slept for 5 more minutes, (and you never know how long 5 minutes is :-D ). My dad would never allow me to be in the bed after 6:30 AM. No, not even a single minute. If I don't move out of the bed, I know my consequences - one of my ear would be red that morning. So was I brought up. During exams, my mom would wake me up at 5:00 AM. I've never seen her using a alarm clock, but she always knew when the clock strikes five. I used to sit upright in the bed, propped up by pillows and study. You must experience the joy of sleeping in this position with a book on your lap. It's nice until this happens. A sharp pain would bring me back alive, my ear will red again. Yeah, my mother would keep an eye on me such that I don't sleep. If I ever, I end up having several nail marks in my ear. It was always water off the ducks back.
The worst part is during holidays/vacation. Either be it a bright day or rainy or foggy or biting cold, no excuses. Out-of-the-bed at 6:30AM was my dad's rule. I know how irritating it would be when you're disturbed in the early hours while you really wanna snuggle down into the quilt and sleep for just *five* more minutes. But, there was no exception in dad's rule.
Well, today I reap the reward of what was sowed years back. All the time when I have to be at office at 6:00 AM, I never feel the difficulty in waking up at 5:00 AM. Most of the time I'm awake even before my alarm goes off. 5 AM is no struggle anymore. All credit goes to my dad and mom. Thank you folks!
I manage to get myself 5 hours of continuous sleep before which I could start my day!
Want me to wake you up at 5:00AM ?
Oh how I cherish the sweet moments I spent in Bishop Heber College on this particular day. The Chapel Prayer Fellowship would organize a big event under the title "Valda" Please be my valentine! The best speaker we ever had for "Valda" was Vestry school Principal, Dr. Relton James. He used to speak very practically and one area of which he warned us about is "Sexual fantasy"; that was a big hit. We codenamed it as "SF". We had singing sessions too. I still remember the day when we sang "Some one to love me" leaving the audience in utter bewilderment until we reached the last stanza of the song. This song became so popular from then on. Exactly a year ago, I was there in my college enjoying this program seated as one among the audience. I've written that experience here. That night, when all of us were back in the room, we discussed about what really valentines day meant. Many questions were unanswered before we all fell asleep.
14th Feburary 2009 - Today!
Saturdays - the best thing ever that I could enjoy in Hyderabad on a Saturday is "Youth Alive" - a youth fellowship in AG chuch. I would never take a chance to miss "Youth Alive" and this has been my biggest source of spiritual nourishment until today. This is where I get my cup filled. "Valentine's Day" falling on a Saturday made Youth Alive more special. We had a bigger event organized by the "Youth Alive" crew this day. Wonder what is it? Here we go; Four different couples who came across this thing called "Love Marriage" were brought up the dais and we were allowed to ask any/many question related to love-relationship and sex.
This has been my second best valentines day sermon I've ever heard and participated. All questions were answered with respect to experience and Bible as baseline. I got most of the answers for the questions I posted a year back. I was very very satisfied with them. It is very desperate for all of us to get to know about these things when we are young so that we may not spoil it. Nevertheless, it is impossible to preach/teach such sermon in a regular church service and not all preachers can talk on it. Days like these serve this purpose.
One great saying one of the couples brought forth is, your prayer should be like "Lord, make me right; so that I may know when the right one comes." - I love this. 45 minutes went just like a rapid fire round. Now, I can't stay still without finding who my real valentine is. Buckle up!
Well, I leave a open request here, "will you please please pleeeeeeeeeaassse be my valentine?"
Few amazing love lines that very young minds (under 7 years of age) can think answered few of my questions. I found them really interesting and hence I'm posting them here. Enjoy reading
“Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your French fries without making them give you any of theirs.”
“Love is when my mommy makes coffee for my daddy and she takes a sip before giving it to him, to make sure the taste is OK.”
“If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend whom you hate.”
“Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it everyday.”
“My mommy loves me more than anybody. You don’t see anyone else kissing me to sleep at night.”
“Love is when mommy gives daddy the best piece of chicken.”
“Love is when your puppy licks your face even after you left him alone all day.”
“I know my older sister loves me because she gives me all her old clothes and has to go out and buy new ones.”
“You really shouldn’t say ‘I love you’ unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot. People forget.”
“When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You know that your name is safe in their mouth.”