Friday, February 27, 2009

5 AM Struggle

I don't know how do you call 5:00 AM as. For many, it is midnight I say; please stay away from these people. There is a good possibility for them turning into out-of-earth-creature if you ever try to wake them up from their sleep. For some, 5:00 AM is when they're cozily tucked up in the bed and is sound asleep. They never wanted to be disturbed for heaven's sake. For some, there is no such thing called 5:00 AM in existence. They would have never seen a sunrise in their life. For some, it's always dark like this.

Waking up with the blanket over the head and then giving a big sigh "huh.. still dark"? and going back to sleep again.

I wish I could have slept for 5 more minutes, (and you never know how long 5 minutes is :-D ). My dad wo
uld never allow me to be in the bed after 6:30 AM. No, not even a single minute. If I don't move out of the bed, I know my consequences - one of my ear would be red that morning. So was I brought up. During exams, my mom would wake me up at 5:00 AM. I've never seen her using a alarm clock, but she always knew when the clock strikes five. I used to sit upright in the bed, propped up by pillows and study. You must experience the joy of sleeping in this position with a book on your lap. It's nice until this happens. A sharp pain would bring me back alive, my ear will red again. Yeah, my mother would keep an eye on me such that I don't sleep. If I ever, I end up having several nail marks in my ear. It was always water off the ducks back.

The worst part is during holidays/vacation. Either be it a bright day or rainy or foggy or biting cold, no excuses. Out-of-the-bed at 6:30AM was my dad's rule. I know how irritating it would be when you're disturbed in the early hours while you really wanna
snuggle down into the quilt and sleep for just *five* more minutes. But, there was no exception in dad's rule.

Well, today I reap the reward of what was sowed years back. All the time when I have to be at office at 6:00 AM, I never feel the difficulty in waking up at 5:00 AM. Most of the time I'm awake even before my alarm goes off. 5 AM is no struggle anymore.
All credit goes to my dad and mom. Thank you folks!

I manage to get myself 5 hours of continuous sleep before which I could start my day!

Want me to wake you up at 5:00AM ?


  1. aha.. no thanks this was never a struggle for me :) .... it shows how lazy you were :P

  2. @Mary - oops! Did I forget to mention you in the exception list?
